Monday, 13 May 2013

Time travel - here's to friendship!

Handball team reunion in Oyes, 8-13 May 2013
Pictures copyright Brynhild
1998 Champions

Table tennis 
15 years back in time, that's were I've been these last 5 days. It was all right there, the singing as loud as you can, just because we felt like it, tears down my cheeks from laughing so hard at the jokes, the talks sometimes in groups sometimes one to one. Well everything except the hard training program that coach Sophus used to have ready for us at any given time and did we miss it... naaaah...
It was amazing to realize how well we know each other, even though some of us had hardly seen each other since the end of the nineties when everything was handball and handball was everything or so we thought. Great to see the girls, but "girls" doesn't do them justice anymore, each and everyone of them strong women. They have stayed true to themselves and yet they have grown so much. Each gone in different directions, letting life do what life does, give you perspective and richness in many ways; Yes it is good to grow older.
All of us left to right. Herborg, Lotte, Frida, Jensia, Beinta, Hanna, Jórun, Ann, Brynhild

They left me with a lump in my throat, wish they could have stayed longer, but oh so happy that this trip took place. We did well! In 1998 but better in 2013!

Sacre coeur
The highs:
Shopping at Leclerc all nine of us
Brocante at Villevenard, baby Sofus got his highly needed car seat
Biking with Jórun and Brynhild
Long champagne lunch in the garden
Champagne house Mercier in Epernay
Paris of course, magical as always
Dinner at "Relais Champennois" in Sézannes
Table tennis championship (Congratulations Lotte, damn it)
Little Sofus and every smile he gave us
etc etc
I'm gonna miss my girls!



  1. Brilliant writing with great insight!
    Love your blog!

    1. Takk mamma, I know you love me, I love you tooooo :)
