Friday 23 September 2011

How time flies...

When we entered the barn last week we found this beautiful owl on the floor. We agreed that we must have locked it in there when we last left the house. A bit sad, to have caused the death of this wise bird, but on the other hand it was a good occasion to get a close look and show it to the children.
Louis wanted to have it stuffed, but as it had been dead for a while we managed to convince him otherwise. Then Isabelle wanted to take to the kids' school in a carton box, but changed her mind after taking a closer look.
Isabelle is Michel's childhood friend, daughter of one of Liliane's best friends Monique. We invited Isabelle and her impressive family (4 daughters :) ) to spend the weekend with us. On Saturday night we were joined by Tante Hélène and oncle Jean.
The kids had a great time playing all together, Madeleine felt like she was dreaming I guess, with all these girls around.
We didn't take any pictures, but I have requested some from Isabelle and Nicolas and will upload them as soon as I can...  In the meantime, here is the main attraction of the weekend :)
The wisest of birds