Monday, 13 May 2013

Time travel - here's to friendship!

Handball team reunion in Oyes, 8-13 May 2013
Pictures copyright Brynhild
1998 Champions

Table tennis 
15 years back in time, that's were I've been these last 5 days. It was all right there, the singing as loud as you can, just because we felt like it, tears down my cheeks from laughing so hard at the jokes, the talks sometimes in groups sometimes one to one. Well everything except the hard training program that coach Sophus used to have ready for us at any given time and did we miss it... naaaah...
It was amazing to realize how well we know each other, even though some of us had hardly seen each other since the end of the nineties when everything was handball and handball was everything or so we thought. Great to see the girls, but "girls" doesn't do them justice anymore, each and everyone of them strong women. They have stayed true to themselves and yet they have grown so much. Each gone in different directions, letting life do what life does, give you perspective and richness in many ways; Yes it is good to grow older.
All of us left to right. Herborg, Lotte, Frida, Jensia, Beinta, Hanna, Jórun, Ann, Brynhild

They left me with a lump in my throat, wish they could have stayed longer, but oh so happy that this trip took place. We did well! In 1998 but better in 2013!

Sacre coeur
The highs:
Shopping at Leclerc all nine of us
Brocante at Villevenard, baby Sofus got his highly needed car seat
Biking with Jórun and Brynhild
Long champagne lunch in the garden
Champagne house Mercier in Epernay
Paris of course, magical as always
Dinner at "Relais Champennois" in Sézannes
Table tennis championship (Congratulations Lotte, damn it)
Little Sofus and every smile he gave us
etc etc
I'm gonna miss my girls!


Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Dear omma left town

And took Madeleine with her, the two girls I love the most in the world, the one who gave birth to me, and the one I gave birth to.
Off they went to the Faroes where Madeleine this morning engaged in the adventure of Faroese education for three weeks. So exiting. We of course miss them very much already, so as soon as she got home from school this afternoon I was on the phone to the islands... "Hello mamma, everything is fine, my new friend is very tall, I have to go and help my cousin build his new lego we can talk again when you get here in nine days"... so you see, she is very comfortable in omma's care :) bless them

Michel is working hard in the garden, we got an offer from Mr Gardener, I guess when he realized how much garden labour is actually worth he is more motivated. Myself I've been having a bit of an off day, got sick in the car on the way home from Paris last night, and have yet to shake the nausea completely off me.

yesterday in Paris was really great by the way, we walked and walked, the boys were so good and know they know Montmartre, Place de la Madeleine, have seen the Eiffel tower from different angles, been squeezed in the Metro, shopped the Champs Elysees. The day was ended at Ruth and Romains apartment in the 19th arrondissement. A great day out!

Love, especially to you mamma! Come back soon!

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Easter in Oyes

We are relaxing in Oyes after yet another hectic period in Reet, nothing special just the usual everyday hectic, Michel abroad, Frida fighting the traffic jams and the kids busy with their school and numerous sporting activities, and the nice parties from time to time to completely waste us :)
The route was good for my mother and me, because we left early at two, just before the rest of Belgium went on the road, Michel had one more hour of traffic jam on his way with the kids, but all in all nothing to worry about.
Arrived in our little house a feast awaited us. My sister Solrun was here with her family and dinner was very tasty, they had been here since Wednesday evening.
Solrun and Lars left this morning.
Today was Easter so we did the yearly castle egg hunt at Chateau de Reveillon, this year Mike and Glenis joined us with their girls.
Yesterday the gardener was here, to talk about some upco,ming works related to the swimming pool installation. He already took out all the bamboo, which was a big job. I'll post pictures later.
Louis, Emil, Madeleine, Bergur, Simun



Bergur with his company car

Friday, 22 February 2013

Winter holidays

were well spent in Oyes.
 and the kids stayed for 5 days, Michel came on Friday accompanied by Julien.
We chilled out in front of the fire place. Lili and Glenis came over for Valentines dinner. Well soup only.
We went to our favorite Japanese restaurant in Epernay, had a day out in Reims, talked about garden and swimming pool, played with the neighbors' Saint Bernhard puppy...
Will make sure I take some nice pictures next time.
Which will probably be at Easter when omma is joining us :)
so long