Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Dutch friends and Louis 10!!

Hi you all,
I haven't been as active as I  wish on my blog, but here's some news from Oyes.

We were very happy to welcome our Dutch friends Stefan and Marije with their three lovely kids, Malou, Sem and Amélie for some time together. Reminded us of happy times in Amsterdam when we were young(er).
Besides fun and joyous, there visit was highly inspiring, Marije is a great decorator and we even made a deal that they will come and help us out with some painting and decorating over the summer :)... exciting!
They stayed a few days longer than us as their kids were on holiday, did some day trips to Paris and Disneyland.
Ever since we bought the house I've been talking about Paris, this summer I will definitely go there and I will do it on my bike, with my mother :)

Cherry tree, heavy with fruit

Cherry blossom girl

Enjoying hot weather and good food that Stefan and Marije cooked for us :)





 Louis boy - 10 years old!!

Louis celebrated his birthday with his two best friends Liam and Lander. Emil invited his long time friend David for the occassion.
We had a nice day out to the medieval city of Provins, the boys got really creative and treated us to several shows in the theater room in the garden.
We had birthday cake and dinner with Mike and Glenis, Lili and Amelia. 
Next time Michel's up for his 40th!! That will be FUN :)

Emil and David relaxing in our new (old) chairs from Liliane and J-P

The big boys hanging out in the shed, far away from the grown-ups ;)

Medieval wasn't quite long ago enough... they went prehistoric :)

We picked the cherries, I put some 5 kg in my freezer, will be good for home made cherry sauce and jam later :)

Kids asleep... a nice cuppa...


They are so funny, gotta love them...

Mr. Handsome <3